Saturday, May 14, 2011

What's going on...


So, I am downstairs at the Crown Plaza.. On a random computer.. no, not in my room..

I would prefer to be in my room but, there are two people who are currently not agreeing that are both good people, just not meant for each other..

Ladies and Gentlemen, is there is anything for you to know.. let it be this.

Unless they are your wifey, hubby, super awesome person that you have been with for a very very long time.. please, DO NOT BRING THEM ON THE ROAD.

It WILL be problematic.. oh, and hey, that OTHER PERSON WHO IS TRAVELLING WITH YOU HAS TO DEAL WITH IT TOO.. Not, that I don't juggle and handle many things at once.. hell, it's something I pride myself on but, THIS..? No thank you..

All this does is makes me appreciate the awesomeness that I have in my personal life.. DAMN I HAVE IT GOOD.. Real good.. Super good.. MEGA AWESOME GOOD.. and I work hard at that as well.. but, it always falls into place because it's where I want to be... (oh yeah... )

So,. this tour has been something else.. always an adventure.. the bands have overall been GOLDEN.. some crybabies here and there but, I'll just bring tissues for them next time.. the nice ones.. with the aloe on 'em.. I don't want your noses to be all red and peeling..

I DID manage to get AMAZING footage of someone's very drunk mother who was re-living her days in the 80's (the fo-real 80's.. not the lame shit) and she was working IT onstage.. doing the dance she loved doing so very much many moons ago.. on a young man no less.. but, a young man from 2011.. Not 1982

Well, she did her dance and then RIGHT ON TIME fell off the stage.. and yes, I got it all on video.. I will tell you this.. This camcorder has to be one the BEST purchases I have EVER made.. besides my Pro Tools and of course my '86 Firebird.. HA!

Also got amazing footage of this one EXTREMELY talented dude playing the guitar solo to "Superstition" with his TEETH on Beale Street.. (by the way, I am in Memphis, TN) oh yeah it happened and your lovely eyeballs will be seeing it soon.. I luckily ran into him later and was able to get his contact information.. what a great soul this dude has.. and just to think.. this dude has more talent in HIS TEETH than some famous shitty emo band.. Man, the world ain't fair now is it?

Got some other great footage that you will just have to wait and see..

I am really digging making/taking video(s).. The one I did for a good friend for her Bday was met with an amazing response.. who knows? I might just have found another nitch for myself..

My life can be so crazy at times (clearly) that it would be nice to share that with all of you.. So you can have some "JennCity Vision." See what I see.. through my eyes.. I like it.. I really do...

Well, in less than 72 hours, I will be back in my beautiful concrete jungle of Brooklyn.. fuck man.. I wouldn't trade my amazing life, love, home, family, friends, bands, projects, kitties (Lolita & Valentino, Mama J is coming home soon..) for ANYTHING.. especially being out here and seeing so much emptiness and witnessing so much heartbreak.. DAMN, I worked hard to get to this point and guess what...? I am going to KEEP working DAMN HARD and I will NOT take for granted all the blessings and beauty around me..

Alright.. this duder over to my right is about to barf into his potato chips in the lobby so, that's my cue..

All love.. and if you don't see Sunshine in your life.. guess what.. MAKE SOME FUCKING SUNSHINE

Your girl,


1 comment:

  1. Why do I have a feeling I know who that first part was about =P
